Why Southwest Impreglon?
We have a simple answer. Impreglon works. More than our line of proprietary metal-impregnating processes, more than over 300 substrate coatings – our company works hard – for whatever your job demands.
Whatever your schedule dictates. Whatever your specifications call for.
A Tough Classroom
Incorporated as Southwest Impreglon in 1975, we perfected our coating processes and systems in the harshest, most demanding petrochemical environments. Onshore and offshore oil & gas drilling and production creates arguably some of the cruelest tests for exposed metals. The lessons we learned as a result of this hard-won experience now gives our customers – in every industry- a profound process knowledge and coating expertise.
Put us to the Test. Today, Impreglon customers range from high-performance automobile racing teams to NASA contractors working on the space station. We are the coaters of choice for international computer manufacturers and major oil companies alike. Put us to the test. Call us at the design phase of your next project. We believe our engineering, professionalism, price and on-time delivery will make Southwest Impreglon the company you chose

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